Monday, March 23, 2009

College is Your Oyster

While you are in college sweating the issues of grades, instructors, etc. don't let the importance of college pass you by. You are in a moment of time in your life where the possibilities seems endless. You have the opportunity to focus on several things and you can make those things happen. Don't get too pressured with the small things that you forget the big picture. Take this time to spread your wings. Look at your opportunities. Take a look at your major and other majors to see different ways you may use it in your life. For example, if you are majoring in the healthcare field, how can you use that background in ways that may not be a typical fit. Now a typical fit is fine, if that is what you are seeking. All I am saying is to look at your choices. Open your eyes to possibilities. They are all around you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Never Give Up

College life can be hard. Working on papers in the middle of the night, studying for tests, completing duties in organizations, you name it. It can all be taxing on you and sometimes you just may want to quit. I am telling you to not give up. You can make it to another day. In fact, you can make it to another month. Keep reaching for excellence. Don't let peer pressure make you give in to what you really want. You have worked so hard to get to this point in your life. Don't let a set back or hard work do you in. You can do this! You can make it and finish the semester/quarter strong. Yes, people are counting on you but that's not why you want to finish strong. You want to do this because of you. You are stronger than your problems. You can complete what you set out to do. You can finish strong!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Easy Bibliographies

Is it time to write that research paper? Don't wait until the last minute to get started on the paper. To help you write and keep track of your bibliographies for the paper, there's a tool to help you manage this. Visit and just enter in your book's ISBN. The website does all the rest. So go to

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Free Money for College

We all know college is getting expensive. Well, it's always been expensive, but in these economic times, its getting even harder for a person to pay for college. Don't despair. Here are some sources to free money that help you fund your collegiate dream. Visit for a list of money sources.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Feed the World by Getting Smarter

Here's an interesting site. The site, states that they will donate a grain of rice for every word definition you get right on their site. It's a great way to learn new words (that you can use on that college paper) and help feed someone at the same time. Try it out and get smarter.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Great online note taking/research tools

This is a quick note about two free tools that you can use to help you retain notes while you are working on your research paper.

Google Notebook ( is a great tool to use help you keep track of notes and links. You can organize your links by topics and you can install the Notebook in your web browser. So when you need it, it accessible.

I really like the Yahoo Search Pad tool ( While you are searching Yahoo is paying attention to your search and after a few messages Yahoo asks you if you want to record and save your search topics. You can save your search topics and links and organize them. It's really a great feature to help you keep track of topics when you are writing a paper.

There are other tools that do similar things as the two listed above. Some may even be better. Just remember, with all these tools, don't copy someone else's work. Yes, take notes, but write your own paper!